Monday 28 January 2013

And sew...

Apologies about my long absence.
I have had a few rather large life changes, one of them being moving out of home and starting out on my own, which has taken some settling in and recovery time =)
My sewing has not been forsaken since moving in to my new abode, however I have misplaced my camera.
I have a few juicy new acquisitions that I shall also put pics up of as soon as I can! =)

Deco Weekend is approaching with ever more startling speed, so I have been sewing almost non-stop in an attempt to achieve the so far unobtainable goal of being complete and ready a week prior to the event!

Eventually of course this sewing days and nights is going to take its toll and I'll sleep the last week straight. But hopefully I shall be able to awake from my comatose state rested with a batch of complete outfits, ready to enjoy a string of luncheons, cocktail parties and other frivolities of Deco! =)

Pip pip!